Somewhere Very Near
a Film by Rachel Fowler

Whether you believe in an afterlife or not, the love we feel and connections we’ve shared are not lost, they exist in our neural pathways, they are etched into the fabric of our hearts, into who we are. In grief, we are all looking for comfort.
We are seeking solace, a way to make sense of the world now with a gaping hole.
Finding ways to stay connected with our “no-shows” is at the heart of this film.
My work as a grief and loss coach has taught me that this is what most of my clients are looking for – how to live with the loss, and take forward the love and strength they garnered from their relationship with their loved one.
I ask – what signs are our loved ones sending us, and how can we open our awareness to their love?
In this tender story of connection between the dead and their loved ones, Jace and Bryan welcome newly passed Lina to the cemetery.
Can they help her find a way to connect to her sister?
This wistful short film combines magical realism and grief
to bridge connections between two worlds.
It's "Heart and Souls" meets "A Monster Calls" and "It's Wonderful Life"
After a festival run, my plan is to offer SOMEWHERE VERY NEAR to schools and organizations in conjunction with a workshop led by me (or another grief coach), and explore these concepts gently, and using creativity. I'm partnering with John Adams, who recently petitioned parliament to include bereavement in the national curriculum, ( in this endeavor.
If you would like to support this effort, you can do so
via paypal here:

We are dedicated to diversity in our creative team, behind and in front of the camera.